Conferences are a great place to try out new ideas (if the submissions committee is brave enough to select new ideas!!), so Lenva and I decided to present our Twitter workshop at Learning at School USING Twitter.
We set up a twitter account @nztweachers , and the entire presentation was a series of tweets and interactions with the tweets of others. Now the presentation is over, the twitter account remains as a stand-alone tutorial on using twitter for teaching and learning. If you scroll to the earliest tweets in the archives and work from bottom to top to have a resource you can use for yourself or recommend to others!
At one stage during the presentation students from Bucklands Beach Intermediate tweeted in their gems.
This is the blurb we gave to the conference committee:
Twitterific tweachers:
This workshop will be a lighthearted introduction to the use of twitter as a t(w)eaching and learning tool.
Twitter can be used to support the learning of teachers and students in every area of their lives.
It can be everything from an online supply of the latest pedagogical ideas and resources for the teacher, to a shopping extravaganza.
This workshop will be a twitterfest rather than a presentation and will certainly be different from any workshop you have attended before.
To get a headstart and connect with us before the workshop, join and follow @dorothyjburt and @lenva and of course our workshop id @nztweachers