Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What a Bag!

We arrived in the Ballroom on the second day of NECC08 ready to listen to the next Keynote and found that all the seats were occupied by extremely large carry bags. What on earth were we to do with that?
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We noticed that most were left behind at the end of the session, so we weren't the only ones who weren't keen to add them to our luggage. And the keynote address was excellent!


  1. Good to see you are working hard!

    Did you spot the meeting that I am organising on Twitter? I'm up on the 18th of August to see schools for the following two days so thought we could all get together the arvo/ evening of the 18th. Quite a few takers so far and it is turning into quite the Twitter reunion! Will you be around?

  2. So it wasn't a bomb! I saw you Twittering throughout the day so you couldn't have been blown up.


